Do you want to experience the potential of the creative mindset?
Do you need to expand your ease to facilitate a productive thinking process whenever the situation calls for it?
Do you have the ambition to become an effective leader in the age of innovation?
Discover the power of applied creativity
At the end of the 20th century I discovered the power of creative thinking. It was in a meeting where I watched how my colleague turned a group of resisters of a proposed change into a group that embraced the change in a few hours. Embracing up to the point that they co-funded the proposed change.
Wow, isn’t that magic? No, it isn’t.
The Creative Problem Solving (CPS) process is a structured way to help you switching on the creative mindset and guiding you productively through the steps of a change process: clarification, transformation and implementation.
The situations in which you can apply the CPS process are numerous: from individual to small groups and large groups; from work to life challenges; from social to technical environments; from public to private organizations and from designing products to coming up with improved services.
Wouldn’t it be great to discover the power of applied creativity? Consult this site and learn how.
The training programs that I deliver are mostly in-company and often customized sessions. Here you can read all about how I can facilitate you and your organization in the process of change.
Looking for a training program with an open registration? These are on my calendar right now. Check this site regularly or follow me on LinkedIn for updates of upcoming training programs.
Dilemma's naar Balans Loodsen
30 January 2025
Language: Dutch
In het traject van verandering zie je je als leider voor meerdere uitdagingen gesteld. Bijna alle uitdagingen presenteren zich als probleem of als dilemma. In plaats van dilemma gebruiken wij liever het woord polariteit.
Tijdens deze dag oefen je met het herkennen van en omgaan met polariteiten. Je werkt met situaties uit je eigen praktijk en scherpt je in het vinden en in stand houden van een goede balans tussen tegengestelde aspecten. Je verdiept je in polariteiten management als methode om het ‘zowel/als’ denken in je leiderschapsstijl te integreren.
Meer informatie en registratie via de website van de School of Creative Thinking.
Starting from march 2025
Language: Dutch
Tijdens deze intensieve en boeiende leergang wordt creativiteit in verschillende facetten belicht, zowel op individueel niveau als op team- en organisatieniveau.
Het Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Model loopt als rode draad doorheen de opleiding. De opleiding is wetenschappelijk onderbouwd en biedt je veel oefenmogelijkheden, waardoor jij het creatieve proces grondig in de vingers kunt krijgen.
Ik ben opleidingscoördinator van dit programma en samen met mij leg je het hele verdiepingstraject af. Je kunt je inschrijven via de website van de School of Creative Thinking.
About Branko Broekman
As a speaker about creative leadership, facilitator of productive thinking sessions and as a trainer I offer an effective structure to think and act with a creative mindset. My drive in work and life is the fun and passion that springs up when people are forging surprising, original alternatives for complex questions.
I facilitate you to integrate the principles of creative thinking in your personal leadership style. I help you to tap from this powerful source, so you’ll navigate flexibly through the wayward process of change.